CPS is a Retail Management tool that helps companies collect points of sale data, allows the creation of work schedules, enables back-office team to create and manage tasks, and makes it easier to communicate with the field team.
In addition, the system provides reports and information that is crucial to devise strategies that help your company in the decision making process.
Main Features:
01. Schedule & Visit Mgt.
– Able to set the best routes, keep an eye on the visits and ensure the workday is met.
ㆍJourney Plan
ㆍIn-store stay rate
02. Communications
- Transparent and direct communication is the key to a successful operation.
ㆍNotice & Survey
ㆍPosting board (Issue mgmt.)
03. Retail Data Mgt.
- Our tool makes it easier to collect a wide range of data at points of sale.
ㆍDisplay Share
ㆍStore photos
04. Task Mgt.
- Back-office team is aware of all the tasks the field reps carry out at the POS.
ㆍToday’s Task
05. Target & Incentives
- Start tracking Targets & Achievements to spark a healthy competition and motivate everyone to go beyond.
ㆍTarget & Achievement
ㆍExpense Mgt.
06. Data Extraction and Analysis
- Dashboard features up-to-date, real-time indicators that provide security in decision making.
We empower field reps, executives & stakeholders with the power of visual data and simplify retail execution, data gathering and 360º retail analysis. Manage your field team and generate insights to leverage sell-out!